Camanche Elementary Newsletter



October 12, 2023



            School pictures are in and should have come home with your students last week! If you are dissatisfied with your child’s picture or if your child was absent on picture day, Inter-State Studio will return on Friday, October 20th to take new pictures. All pieces of your original picture packet must be returned for a student to have their picture retaken. If you student was absent on picture day, please order online here: https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/78471GF



            Congratulations to our STATE CHAMPION Sumdog team! They earned 1st place in the Iowa Sumdog math competition. Brantley Weller had the highest score in the state. Greta Thomson, Owen Steines, Kennedy Schwandt, Keegan Totten, Max Brown, Miguel Gojon, Hattie Noble, and Halley Hansen had the top 10 scores in the state. Luke Anderson, Jocelyn Bark, Trevor Bockelmann, Hunter Bray, Aly Mahoney, Kyler Jenness, River Murphy, Josiah Shaffer, and Lincoln Petersen were on the team and did well in the contest. These students needed to complete 1000 math problems in one week. Sheryl Kennedy coached the team.



            All of the classrooms had a lesson on bucket filling and how they can: “choose kindness with their words and actions”. The best thing we can do to make the world a better place is to create a culture of kindness. CES students learned about how kindness helps fill their bucket as well as the bucket of others. Students that complete acts of kindness may have their name put on a heart or star for our CES Bucket Fillers Bulletin Board. Each grade level has their own color for our bucket filling board. Let’s see how colorful we can make it!! I am so excited to watch our bucket overflow with all the students’ acts of kindness! Here is an amazing article with simple ways to teach your children kindness: https://www.parents.com/kids/development/social/teaching-kids-to-be-kind/



            Camanche Elementary will be celebrating fall with a Fall Fest on Friday, October 27th. Any family that would like to purchase a snack and drink for their student’s classroom, please contact the CES main office. Cost is .90 per student. For example, a classroom that has 20 students would cost $18.00. All orders are due by next Friday, October 20th.

Nonfood items such as erasers, pencils, silly straws, stickers, play-doh, and other similar treats are welcome at celebrations as well. Thank you for keeping our students safe!



            The second field trip fundraiser is TONIGHT from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at Imperial Lanes. Imperial asks that orders be placed over the phone or on the restaurant side. Thank you to everyone for supporting CES field trips!

            The current Club’s Choice fundraiser runs through October 20th. Orders must be turned in no later than Tuesday, October 24th. Orders can also be placed online. Orders will be available for pick up on Monday, November 20th.

Monster Mash is Saturday, October 21st from 6:00-8:00 p.m. The first hour will include games, the second hour will be a glow dance. Admission is $10 per family prior to the dance or $15 at the door. RSVP’s will be sent out closer to the dance. Admission covers unlimited games, glow sticks/accessories, and dancing. Pizza will be available for $2 per slice and water $1 per bottle. Come out and have a ghoulish good time. ALL costumes must be school appropriate: no scary or inappropriate costumes please!

            Our next meeting will be Tuesday, November 14th at 6 p.m. in the CES cafeteria. We would love to see you there! We can be contacted through our Camanche Elementary PTA Facebook Messenger and stormpta@yahoo.com. GO STORM!



Oct 5th-20th                PTA Fundraiser – Club’s Choice Catalog

Oct 12th                        PTA Field Trip Fundraiser Night @ Imperial Lanes 5:00-8:00 p.m.

Oct 20th                      Picture Retake Day

Oct 21st                        PTA Monster Mash 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Nov 14th                        PTA Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. in the CES Cafeteria


Yours in education,

Aimee Dohse – Principal