Camanche Elementary Newsletter



April 13, 2023


            Spring Music Informances are coming up! The kids and I are excited to share with you what music class day to day looks like and “inform you” what they have learned. Here is the schedule:


Thursday, May 11, 2023

6:00 p.m. – Kindergarten

6:45 p.m. – 1st Grade

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

6:00 p.m. – 2nd Grade

6:45 p.m. – 3rd Grade

Thursday, May 18th

6:00 p.m. – 4th Grade


Plan on arriving only about 10 minutes before we begin. (We will start promptly.) You will come into the school by the gym.


More details coming – info will be coming home and will be on Class Dojo as well. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you!                 ~Miss Jen (jmeyer@camanchecsd.org)



            This week discuss with your student: “A place for everything, everything in its place”. Developing good organizational skills is a key aspect for success in school and in life. Although some people by nature are more organized than others, anyone can put routines and systems in place to help a child become more organized. Take a look at one of these articles for some great tips to help our child become more organized.



Books to read:

·       I Can’t Find My Watchamacallit!! by Julia Cook

·       How Did You Miss That? by Bryan Smith

·       It Was Just Right Here by Bryan Smith

·       The 7 Habits of Happy Kids: A Place for Everything by Sean Covey



         The final field trip fundraiser night is at Culver’s on Tuesday, April 18th from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Culver’s will donate a portion of sales to CES. Dine-in, carryout, or drive thru will go towards field trips. Thank you to the businesses, families, and community for supporting these nights for our students!

The theme for the yearbook is CONFETTI. We need your help getting pictures!!! Please send us the first day of school, Homecoming Week, Red Ribbon Week, 4th grade baby pictures, and any pictures you may receive through Dojo or the teacher. If you think of anything else send those also! Please send them through Camanche Elementary PTA Facebook Messenger or the PTA email listed below. Make sure to include the child’s homeroom teacher, this helps us place the picture on the correct page!

We are excited to bring back the Ties and Tiaras dance on Sunday, April 30th from 2:00-4:00pm in the CES gym. This is a fun dance to dress up, bring your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, or adult of choice. Admission is $10 per couple/family that includes entry, snack, and drink. Hope to see you there!

            Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 9th at 6 p.m. in the CES cafeteria. We can be contacted through our Camanche Elementary PTA Facebook Messenger and stormpta@yahoo.com GO STORM!



Apr 18th                        PTA Field Trip Fundraiser Night at Culver’s 5:00-8:00pm

Apr 21st                        3rd Grade to Sawmill Museum

Apr 30th                      PTA Ties & Tiaras Dance 2:00-4:00pm in CES Gym

May 9th                       PTA Meeting at 6:00pm in CES Cafeteria

May 11th                        TK & Kindergarten Informance at 6:00pm in CES Gym

May 11th                        1st Grade Informance at 6:45pm in CES Gym

May 16th                       2nd Grade Informance at 6:00pm in CES Gym

May 16th                       3rd Grade Informance at 6:45pm in CES Gym

May 17th                       2nd Grade to Rock Creek

May 18th                       4th Grade Informance at 6:00pm in CES Gym

May 19th                       Preschool to The Discovery Center

May 26th                     Kindergarten to Bettendorf Family Museum

May 29th                     NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day

May 30th                     Preschool Graduation

May 31st                       3rd & 4th Grades to Rock Creek



Yours in education,

Aimee Dohse – Principal